Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Wedding Speech

When I tied the knot last month, rather than write a traditional wedding speech, I instead opted for a poem. People seemed to like it a lot, so at the request of more than one person, here's how it went:

Picture this: a beautiful sunny day, a gentle breeze in your face;
February '07 was the time; Salamanca was the place.
An establishment called Grape was where I found myself - a place for drinking wine.
There I met a wondrous lass who I thought was pretty fine.

We talked for hours on that day - the time just flew right past;
And when I left I do believe my heart was beating just a little fast.
The next time we met, we did the traditional thing: go to the movies and see
A romantic comedy at Gold Class, marred only by a rude Scottish maitre d'.

But it's the odd little moments - good or bad - that you always remember well;
Like the time Jooles claimed a rat died in her kitchen and caused an awful smell.
So bad, in fact, was the stench through her place that she had to come and stay with me;
Yet when we went back a few days later, her unit was mysteriously odour free.

And then somehow she never went back, and there went my bachelor pad;
My unit started filling up with girly things, yet somehow it wasn't so bad.
Fast forward then to Feb '09: two years since we met, Jooles and I;
And a trip on a boat on a sound in NZ, under a beautiful starry sky.

And a diamond, and a question, and a "yes", followed by a bit of a mad scramble around.
You see someone* had dropped the sparkly thing on the deck, but it was, thankfully, found.
And now she has another ring on her finger, because today she became my wife;
And, completely without hyperbole, it's the happiest day of my life.

* That would be Jooles

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